From 9/11 to Hurricane Katrina to the recent WannaCry fiasco, the business community has been hit over and over again by one disaster after another in the past decade and a half. The scary part is that the frequency is increasing exponentially in the past few years, thanks to the growing number of cyber-attacks.
Even scarier is the study that shows that 2 out of 5 business still do not even have a BC/DR plan. And out of the ones that do, only about half of them even test it regularly to see if it is still relevant. Furthermore, industry experts have reiterated the fact in every forum possible, that the size of the business is irrelevant to having a BC/DR plan. Everyone needs to have one to stay relevant in current times. This scenario can only be amended by trained BC/DR professionals who not only understand the gravity of the situation but also are equipped to ensure that businesses are least impacted when a disaster strikes.
DRP provides the professionals with a strong understanding of business continuity and disaster recovery principles, including conducting business impact analysis, assessing of risks, developing policies and procedures, and implementing a plan. It also teaches professionals how to secure data by putting policies and procedures in place, and how to recover and restore their organization’s critical data in the aftermath of a disaster. The DRP course will give participants the necessary skills to develop enterprise-wide business continuity and disaster recovery
In order to maintain the high integrity of our certifications exams, Exams are provided in multiple forms (I.e. different question banks). Each form is carefully analyzed through beta testing with an appropriate sample group under the purview of a committee of subject matter experts that ensure that each of our exams not only has academic rigor but also has “real world” applicability. We also have a process to determine the difficulty rating of each question. The individual rating then contributes to an overall “Cut Score” for each exam form. To ensure each form has equal assessment standards, cut scores are set on a “per exam form” basis. Depending on which exam form is challenged, cut scores can range from 60% to 85%.
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